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Shared Storage on Frame One

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When you sign on to a remote workstation on Frame One, your project's shared storage automatically connects with you. Your team's share storage is typically divided into three drives: Projects (Y:), Media (Z:), and the Media Shuttle (M:). Each drive is configured for optimal performance per its use case (the Media Shuttle is only accessible to assistant editors by default).  We encrypt all shared storage, and save your data with redundancy to protect it from hardware failures. Our shared storage is built to be easy to use and seamless without any fuss. But if you're interested in learning all there is to know, read on!

The Project Drive (Y:)

Editing applications reference hundreds of project files to help locate media, and your team's project drive is optimized to help find files quickly. The project drive is also the ideal location for project auto-save storage (e.g., the Unity Attic.) Like all of our shared storage, the project drive is protected with hardware redundancy, but it is still important to back up project files regularly. While our infrastructure can protect you from hardware based file corruption, we cannot recover accidentally deleted files. If you are tasked with setting up your team's shared projects, you can read more about our best practices for the Premiere or Avid.

The Media Drive (Z:)

Relatively speaking, media files are gigantic compared to their project file counterparts. The Z mount is a capable place to save them, with its vast throughput and expandable size. Avid Mediafiles, Original Camera Masters (OCM) exports, and really anything is safe and accessible to your whole team on the Z drive. Each project starts with 25 TB of space, but additional space may be rented in 25 TB increments as needed.

The Media Shuttle Drive (M:)

In some cases, delivering an external drive to a drive drop location is not as practical or easy as transferring files over the web. Your team's Media Shuttle is a supercharged web portal and mounted drive for assistant editor use. The M drive is capped at 5 TB and is mounted only for authorized users of your project (typically assistant editors.) Since the drive is not optimized for editing (nor mounted for all editors), the space should only be used to transfer data. Always move or transcode media files on the Media Shuttle to the media (Z) drive. 

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